كنوز العلم مدونة تجمع العلوم العلمية والتاريخية والثقافية والإسلامية والقانونية بصورة مبتكرة لآطلاع الكافة عليهامتبعين الحكمة القائلة :"كل الظلام الذي في الدنيا لا يستطيع أن يخفي ضوء شمعة مضيئة "
الأربعاء، 15 يونيو 2011
أسماء شهداء ثورة 25 يناير 2011
Name Arabic▼ Name Age Occupation Location Date Notes Picture Source(s) Code Column K Column L Column M (All)(Blank)——————(غير معلوم هويته)أحمد أمير أحمدأحمد ابراهيم محمدأحمد ايهاب محمد فؤاد عباس أحمد بسيوني أحمد سالم محمود عادل ميسرأحمد سمير ابراهيم حمادأحمد سمير السيدأحمد عبد اللطيف أحمدأحمد فوزى علىأحمد كمالأحمد مجدى حسنينأحمد مصطفىأحمد مصطفى ثانت أسلام رأفت أمير مجدى عبدوالهوالأميرهأميره سمير سحته أيمن عادل حسنين أيمن علي إسلام بكيرابانوب عوض الله نعيم ابراهيم صبحى عبد الصمدابراهيم عبد الستارابراهيم مصطفى ابراهيم احمد محمد محموداحمد هاشم السيداحمد هلال اسلام رأفت محموداسلام رشاداسلام متولي محمداسلام محمد السيد عبد السلاماسلام مصطفىاشرف نور الدين محمد عبد الرازق السيد محمد رياض عبد الحكيم انور فتحىبلال سالم بهاء الجرواني توفيق محمد توفيق جرجس لمعي موسى حسام أحمد الجندي حسام سيد متولي حسام محمدحسنين ابراهيم حسنين حسنين خلف الله حسين طه حسين حمادة لبيب حمدى عادل عطا عبد المجيد قاسم خالد محمد سيدخالد محمد عبد القادررائد فتحي محمد عبدالفتاح رامى جمال أبو زيدرامى جمال شفيق سالي مجدي زهرانسامح عبدالفتاح محمدسامى صلاح سعيد عبدالعال سليمان صابر علي سمير محمد محمودسيف الله مصطفى موسىشريف حمادشريف رضوان شهاب حسن شهاب شيماء الباشاصابر فهمى ابو المعاطىصبحى محمد أحمد إبراهيم البحراوىطارق اسامه نورطارق مجدى مصطفى محمد ابراهيم الاياس طارق محمد عامرعادل يوسف حسين عبد الستار عبدالسميع عبدالستارعبد العظيم فتحي عبد العظيم فارس عبد الكريم رمضان عبد المنعم جعفرعبدالرحمن كمال عبده صالح عصام محمد محمود محمد خلف على حسنعلي جودة حسنعلي حسن علي مهرانعلي حسين طهعمر سيد على محمدعمرو حامدعمرو غريب غريب السيدغريب عبد العال غريب عبد العزيز عبد اللطيف-كريستن سيلاكريم أحمد رجب كريم محمد على البناكريم محمد محمد الفقىليزا محمد حسان محمد (الإسم الأخير غير معروف)محمد أبوبكرمحمد أمين محمد ابراهيم توفيقمحمد احمد جمال الدين محمد السيد حسن محمد السيد ربيع محمد السيد عبد اللطيف محمد تميمىمحمد جمال سليم محمد حسام الدين محمد حسن بلال محمد حسنين أنور محمدمحمد حسين ريحان محمد رشادمحمد زكي أحمدمحمد سيد محمد السقامحمد شعبان محمد صابر السيد حمادةمحمد عاشور سرورمحمد عاطف محمد عباس حمزة البطران محمد عبد الرحيم ابراهيم محمد عبد الفتاح محمد عبد المنعم حسين محمد عبدالتواب صالح محمد عثمان محمد عثمان عبد ربه محمد على عيد عبد المجيدمحمد عماد حسين محمد فاروق حسن محمد فرج محمد كامل عبدالستار نصارمحمد كمال يوسفمحمد متولي محمدمحمد مجدى محمد اماممحمد محروس محمد محروس-محمد محمودمحمد مصطفى عبده على سليمان محمد ممدوح سيد منصورمحمد نيازي شعبان محمد هشام على محمد يس محمود أحمد محمودمحمود إبراهيم محمود اسماعيل عبد الكريم محمود حسن رمضان البقلي محمود سيد هديةمحمود صادق عبد الصديق محمود ماهرمحمود محمد محمود عبد الكريم محمود نصر محمد احمدمدحت طاهرمريم مكرم نظيرمصطفى ابراهيم مصطفىمصطفى الصاوي مصطفى رجب عبدالفتاح مصطفى عمر محمدمصطفى فهمي زايدمصطفى محمد الوردانى مصطفى محمودمصطفى محمود اسماعيلمصطفي ابو زيدممدوح عمر عبد ربه بخيت منصور عبدالطيف مينا ناجي نجاه جوجياف نصر محروس نصيرنور على نور الدين ياسر شعيب يوسف أنور المكاوي (All)(Blank)—————— Mohamed Ahmed Gamal El Din Mohammed Hassan Sameh Abdel Fattah MohamedA. Fattah Ahmed AliAbanoub Awad-Allah NaeemAbdel Sattar Abdel Samia Abdel SattarAbdel-Azem Fathi Abdel-Azem FaresAbdo SalehAbdou Abdel-Moneim JaafarAbdul-Karim RamadanAbdul-Rahman KamalAdel Saleh MohamedAdel Youssef HusseinAhmad KamalAhmad Mohamed MahmoudAhmed Abdel Latif AhmedAhmed Abdel-RehimAhmed Abdellatif AhmedAhmed Ahab AbbasAhmed Al-FakahanyAhmed Amer MahmoudAhmed AmmerAhmed Awad Al-Sayed Mustafa MahmoudAhmed Basuney (also Basiony or Bassiouni)Ahmed Fawzy [Unknown] AliAhmed Hashim al-SayyedAhmed HelalAhmed Ibrahim MohamedAhmed KhalifaAhmed KhalilAhmed Magdy HassaneinAhmed MohamedAhmed MostafaAhmed Mostafa ThabetAhmed Salem Mahmoud Abdel MayssarAhmed Samir Al-SayedAhmed Samir Ibrahim HamadAhmed Zain Al AbedienAl Sayed Mohamed Raid Abdel HakimAli Gawdat HasanAli HassanAli Hassan Ali MahranAli Hussien TahaAmir Magdy Abdo AlahwalAmiraAmira Samir [Unknown] ShehataAmr GharibAmr HamedAnwar fat7yAshraf Nour El Din Mohamed Abdel-RazekAttia Ahmed Al-SakkaAyman Adel HassaneinAyman AliBahaa Al GarwanyBelal SalemBelal Salim Eissa MuhamedChristine SeelaEslam Essam MohamedEslam Metwally MuhamedEslam Mohamed Mohamed YonunisEslam Ra'fatEslam RashadEssam Mohamed Mahmoud Mohamed KhallafGerges Lamey MousaGhareeb Abdel AalGhareeb El-SayedGharib Abdul-Aziz Abdul-LateefHaitham Hemeda AhmedHamada LabibHamdy Adel Aty Abdel Magid KassemHassanein Ibrahim HassaneinHassanein Khallaf AllahHebaHossam [Unknown] MohamedHossam Ahmed El GendyHossam Sayed MetwallyHussein Gomaa HusseinHussein Taha HusseinIbrahim Abdel-SatarIbrahim Mostafa IbrahimIbrahim Samir SaadonIbrahim Sobhy Abdel SamadIbrahim Sobhy Abdel-SamadIhab MuhammadyIslam BakirIslam Mohamed El Said Abdel SallamIslam MustafaIslam Refaat MahmoudIsmail Mohamed Abou El DahabKarim Ahmed RagabKarim Mohamed Ali Al BannaKarim Mohamed Mohamed El FikkiKhaled Gamal Abdel NasserKhaled Mohamed Abdel AderKhalid Muhamed Al-SayedLiza Mohamed HasanLotfy Azam LotfyMahmoud Ahmed MahmoudMahmoud Hasan Ramadan ElbaklyMahmoud Helmy Mahmoud RadwanMahmoud Ibrahim KhafagaMahmoud Ismail Abdel KarimMahmoud MaherMahmoud Mohamed Mohamed Abdel KarimMahmoud Nasr Mohamed AhmedMahmoud Said HedyaMamdouh Omar Abed Rabbo BakhitMamdouh Saber Abdo SeddiqMansour Abd El LatifMansour Fathi HemidMariam Makram NazierMedhat TaharMina NaggyMoaz Al-Sayed Muhamed KamalMohamed Abbas Hamza Al BatranMohamed Abd El Tawab SalehMohamed Abd Ela'al AhmedMohamed Abdel FattahMohamed Abdel Rahim [Unknown] IbrahimMohamed Abdel-Monem HussienMohamed Abo BakrMohamed Ali Eid Abdel MegeedMohamed AminMohamed AtefMohamed EbrahimMohamed Hashem AliMohamed Hassanein Anwar MohamedMohamed Hussein RihanMohamed Ibrahim TawfeeqMohamed Kamal Muhamed YousefMohamed Magdy Mohamed EmamMohamed MahmoudMohamed Mahmoud El-MenshawyMohamed MahrousMohamed Mamdouh Said MansourMohamed MetwalyMohamed Mostafa Abdo Aly el Said SolimanMohamed NasrMohamed Othman Abd RabohMohamed Saber El Sayed HamadaMohamed Saiid RabieMohamed SalahMohamed Sayed Mohamed El SakkaMohamed ShabaanMohamed Zaky AhmedMohammed Ashour SorourMohammed Farouk HassanMohammed Hassan BelalMohammed Hossam El DinMohammed Sayed Abdul LatifMohammed TamimiMostafa Fahmy ZayedMostafa Ibrahim MostafaMostafa Mahmoud IsmailMostafa Omar MohamedMostafa Ragab Abdel FattahMuhamed Abdel-Latif Muhamed KhafagyMuhamed Ahmed Gamal Al-Deen Muhamed Al-sayedMuhamed Al-Bora'y Al-sheemy AL-SayedMuhamed Emad HussienMuhamed FaragMuhamed Gamal SalimMuhamed Ibrahim Al-Dosoky Mustafa Al-KholyMuhamed Kamel Abdel-Satar NassarMuhamed MabrookMuhamed MahrousMuhamed Metwally AwadMuhamed Niazy ShaabanMuhamed RashedMuhamed ShaabanMuhamed SherifMuhammad YassinMuhammed Ehab Al-NaggarMustafa Abu-ZaidMustafa El-SawiMustafa Mahmoud Abdul-FattahMustafa Mohamed El-WardanyNasr MahroosNasr-El Din El-SayedNasserNijat GojayevNour Ali Nour El DinNour Mohamed NourOmar Sayid Ali MohamedRaed Fathi Mohamed Abdel FattahRahma Mohsen Ahmed KhodierRami Gamal AbozeedRamy Gamal ShafeeqSaber Fahmy Abol Ma’atySaif-Allah Mustafa MusaSaiid Abd El AllSally Magdy ZahranSameh Ali Gamal Afa-AllahSamir Mohamed MahmoudSamy SalahSayed Farag MasoudShahab Hassan ShehabShaimaa Al BashaSherif HammadSherif RadwanSobhy Mohamed Ahmed Ibrahim Al-BahrawySulaiman Saber Ali MuhammadeinTarek Magdy Mustafa AlayasTarek Mahmoud Bo-KhatraTarek Mohmad AmmerTarek Ossama NourTarik Mohamed GabrTawfiq Mohamed TawfiqUnknownYasser ShoiebYehia Al-GazarYoussef Anwar El Mekkawy (All)(Blank)——————101415161718192021222324252626 or 27272829303132333435363738404244454952535564708UNK (All)(Blank)——————AC TechnicianAccountant at the Azerbaijani EmbassyAdministration ManagerArchitecture firmArmy General (Ret.)CashierDoctorDriverElectronic EngineerEmployee of EgyptAirEngineer with the Egyptian army (retired)Faculty of CommerceGraduate from the Faculty of Law, Ain Shams UniversityGraduate of Helwan University; EngineerGraduate of the Faculty of CommerceGraduated from the Institute of Co-operations (Commerce)High school seniorHigh school studentInterior design engineerJournalist with Al-Ta'awunLaw student at Ain Shams UniversityLawyerLecturer, Faculty of Art Education at Helwan UniversityMajor General and head of Fayoum PrisonMath teacherMechanical technician, Suez cement companyNews anchor -weatherOil companyOil engineer for Suez Co.Police BrigadierPolice CaptainPolice Lieutenant ColonelPolice Officer (Major), Modereyet Amn El QaliubeyaProducer and voice artistRestaurant ownerSecurity forces soldierSoldierStudentStudent (Faculty of Law, Cairo University)Student, Aim Shams University Faculty of Commerce, English sectionStudent, Faculty of Commerce at Ain Shams UniversityTailortranslatorUNKWriter in Giza (All)(Blank)——————6 OctoberAl-Wadi Al-Jadid.AlexandriaAlexandria -Al-Qaed Ibrahim MosqueAlexandria -Hanoveel StreetBadrashinCairoCairo -Arkadia MallCairo -by Mataria SquareCairo -DamanhourCairo -El-QanaterCairo -Gesr el Sewis areaCairo -ImbabaCairo -in front of the Interior MinistryCairo -Kasr-el-Nil BridgeCairo -Maadi areaCairo -Matarya SquareCairo -Nasr CityCairo -Qasr al-Aini, adjacent to Tahrir SquareCairo -Saida ZinabCairo -Shobra El KheimaCairo near Tahrir SquareCairo-Tahrir SquareGizaGiza -Al-WarrakKafr el-DawwarMaadiMansouraMatariaMenya Alqamh, Sharqia provincePort SaidSinai -RafahSinai -Sheikh ZewidSuezTahrir SquareTahrir squareTantaTarir squareUNK (All)(Blank)——————1/17/20111/18/20111/25/20111/26/20111/27/20111/28/20111/29/20111/30/20111/31/20112/1/20112/2/20112/3/20112/4/20112/9/201128/01/20113/2/2011UNK (All)(Blank)——————"He had a bullet in his lung" and was unable to be saved at the hospital due to blood loss. Student at the Engineering Faculty, Mansoura University.Amr was not part of any political party or group. He was young, unemployed, and waiting for his chance to speak up. 2 gunshot wounds to the stomach, could not reach the ambulance because of blockage by regime thugs. Was stripped of his clothes and belongings before being carried to the ambulance. "He stood his ground and fought back until he got what he waited for all his life. He's the best of us-his friends-and always wanted to die for this cause. He never ran even though there were bullets flying."Artist and musician, father of 2Attacked and shot while passing by in a police minibusBroken skull; among the people struck by a car of Diplomatic authority in Qasr Al-Ainy Street, near the Interior MinistryBrother said he was shot 10 times near the Interior Ministry building.Christian man, shot 30 times by security forcesDied after getting hit with a random bullet fired out of Minia Alkamh police stationDied infront of Zawya Hamra Police Station, Cairo after an officer fired random bullets on protestorsFather of four from Ismailia. He had repeatedly held heated arguments with local officials over the price of bread. He set himself afire in front of the Prime Minister's Office at the Egyptian ParliamentFather of one childFrom MansouraFrom Port SaidGraduate of the Faculty of Commerce, English sectionGraduated from the Faculty of Commerce in 2010GunshotgunshotGunshot by forcesGunshot to the chest; killed outside of the Ministry of Interior. He was a graduate of Ain Shams University.Gunshot to the heartGunshot to the heart outside of Elwaral police stationGunshot to the stomachGunshot woundGunshot wound to the abdomenGunshot wound to the abdomen. He was married with two children.Gunshot wound to the face.Gunshot wound to the head on 28 January, died at 4 am on 4 February. Student at the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels last year. Had 1 sister and 1 brother.Gunshot wounds to the eye and head near the Menya Alqamh police stationGunshot. Graduate of Cairo University, father of a 1 year old son (Ali) and married only 2 years ago.Gunshots. "He had been shot 3 bullets one in neck and 2 in his arm, they shot him during captures of the accident of burning the police station in front of his home. He was videotaping the accident with his camera 150 meters far from the location of the police station. He died immediately and was buried the next day."Gunshots. Shot 3 times-once each in chest, shoulder and head. "He was killed by the police just because he had something to say, just because he didn't stand in silence watching our country being robbed and people being driven into poverty."Had two bullets in left chest and arm and suffocated by poison gas.He was a student of the Faculty of Commerce from Abu Awali, Ashmon, MonofiaHe was married in May 2010 and his wife is expecting a child.He was married with a young child named YoussifHe was shot twice by live bullets; his heart stopped immediatelyHe went to investigate gunshots and a fire in Meena el Basl police station and found officers setting the fire. He was shot along with 8 friends and a 10 year old victim. The hospital didn't want to report that he was killed by gunshots, only that "something" went through his body.Hit by a police car on 28 January-she died the following day. Initial reports said she was a student at a university, but there is no one by that name on record.Hit in the back of the head with a bat, went home to sleep and never woke up.Injuries to the head and chestJaafarKilled by a bullet fired from a moving vehicle on his way homekilled by a gun shot infront of Kerdassa Police stationKilled by a police officer. She was standing on her balcony when a bullet struck her.Killed by live bullets fired by policeKilled by Police forcesKilled by police forces at Arkadia MallKilled by security forces. Was due to be married in 3 months.Killed by snipers' live bulletsKilled by thugsKilled in the violent clashes overnightKilled shortly after giving a Friday prayer sermon. He has one young daughter and another who is due to be married soonLaw student of Ain Shams University. He was shot by state security officials.Law student, shot in his heart with live bullets after prayers in el Ka2ed (al Qaed) Ibrahim mosqueLeaves behind a widow, 3 daughters and a 6 year old son.Married with two children.Multiple hits to the headName given to Human Rights Watch at Kom El Dekka MorgueName given to Human Rights Watch at Kom El Dekka Morgue. Asphyxiation from tear gas.Name given to Human Rights Watch at University Hospital MorguePolice killed him in front of Dar Elsalam police stationRandom gunfire; he was not part of any political party or groupread the story of Christine's passing in her boyfriend's blog.Run over by a fire truckSet himself on fire near ParlimentSet himself on fire on the stairs of the Journalists SyndicateShot 16 times, six bullets lodge in head; married just three month; his wife is expecting a childShot 2 times while protecting his friendsShot 3 times in the chest while driving his sister and her children home. Father to 3 children: Zeyad (oldest, 7 years), Habiba and Farah.Shot and killed by live bullets during the citizens attack on a police stationShot and killed by security forcesShot and killed during random gunfire in Nasr El Din tunnel in Giza. The bullet went through his stomach, out through his back and he died immediately. He was Egyptian and born in Libya.Shot and killed in front of Ain Shams Police station. He had only been married for a few months.Shot and killed in front of Dar Al-Salam Police unit. The bullet went through his chest and exited his back.Shot at Abbas Al Aqad Street on January 28; he was not part of the demonstrations but forces thought he wasShot at Al-Azbkya police station by his boss for refusing to shoot demonstratorsShot by a sniper. From Nouba (Aswan).Shot by forces while he was carrying one of his wounded friendsShot by security forcesShot by security forces at close range in the throat with shotgun on the first approach to Tahrir Square. Had just turned 26 the day before. His brother says he had memorized the Qur'an, and his voice was so nice he also sang nasheeds at weddings and other gatherings.Shot by snipersShot in front of Al-Darb Al- Ahmar Police StationShot in front of in front of Al Khalifa police station while protecting his neighborhood from looting and vandalismShot in front of Shobra police stationShot in his headShot in lungShot in the backShot in the chest while standing on the balcony of his home when clashes were taking place. (January 30 is an approximate date) He was married with 3 children. Was a former PE trainer for the Lycee freedoms school in Heliopolis, swimming instructor in Shams sports club and marine scout leader.Shot in the chest. He was disabled and using a side street to meet up with friends after learning that one of their friends has been killed.Shot in the face by police forces in front of Dar El Salam 1st Police stationShot in the head (During gun fight near El Mo2asassa Square). Father of 7 year old daughter.Shot in the head infront of Zawya Hamra Police StationShot in the head on 28 January and died a week later, 4 FebruaryShot in the head outside of El Mattareya Police Station.Shot in the heart by 3 live bulletsShot in the heart in front of the Imbaba police station. A father of 2, a 4-year old daughter and a 3-month old son.Shot in the heart. He was due to be married in 10 days.Shot in the neck by security forcesShot in the neck outside of Maadi police station.Shot in the neck, died the following dayShot in the neck. Police initially threatened anyone who tried to approach him but eventually allowed family to take him to a hospital, where he later died.Shot next to his home. 2 gunshots. 1 each to the head and abdomen by a police officer in plainclothes.Shot on 28 January and died on 30 January due to his injuries. He was married with 6 children, including a 3-month old.Shot on Friday 28 Jan in Tahrir Square. Of 6 live bullets that hit him, 3 hit him in the face including 1 in the eye. He went into a coma died 3 Feb at El Hossein University hospital.Shot through both legs while protecting his home and attempting to capture an escaping prisoner. His brother took him to the hospital but died due to massive blood loss on 30 January.Shot twice in the chest while holding a water bucket to aid protesters who passed out.Shot twice in the head and once in the chestShot while rescuing an injured personSingle gunshot to the neckSkull fracturesStepped outside to watch protest, shot in the headStray bulletSuffered gunshot wounds on 29 Jan and died on 4 Feb, reportedly victim of sniper fire while filming confrontations between protesters and government forces from his balcony.UNKUnnamed 64 year old womanvia email: He was shot by a pistol in his stomach, at Al Gomhorya Street.Was due to be married soonWas shot because he refused to allow prisoners to escape.Was shot by live bullets in the heart, in front of Mataryya Police Station. He wanted to be an actor.Was shot by live bullets while passing by the Ain Shams Police Station. He was not part of the demonstrations.Was shot twice in the chest and once in the leg, in front of Tanta Police Stationعميد/محمد إبراهيم الدسوقى مصطفى الخولى -استشهد يوم 31/1/2011 أثناء مشاركته فى تأمين المبنى القديم لمديرية أمن الإسكندرية بمنطقة اللبان، وأثناء المواجهة الأمنية أصيب بطلق خرطوش من أحد العناصر المغرضة بساقه، مما أسفر عن إصابته بنزيف حاد أدى إلى وفاتهمقدم/محمد البرعى الشيمى السيد-استشهد يوم 28/1/2011 أثناء مروره بشارع أحمد زكى بدار السلام أصيب بطلق نارى من مجهول مما أدى إلى استشهاده
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